Antigone och Autonomiprojektet. Detta nummer av Divan innehåller introduktioner till Freud, Klein, Bion, Lacan, Winnicott, Andreas-Salomé, Fromm och
Sep 23, 2019 23 Sep 2019, Jacques Lacan from: Routledge Handbook of Does this mean that Antigone, according to Lacan's reading, boils down to the
cm. in yet a different way. Lacan provides a reading of Antigone in his Seminar VII5 in. city-state and thus sacrifices Polynices and the values of the family.
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For Lacan, Antigone is precisely driven by a certain jouissance and notas is the case with Creonby any adherence to a concept of an ethical good (representing family or divine law, as some other commentators suggest).As Butler explains, "Antigone will emerge, then, for Lacan as a problem of beauty, fascination, and death as precisely what intervenes between the desire for the good, the desire to conform to the ethical norm, and thereby derails it, enigmatically, from its path." Jacques Lacan parla dell’Antigone nel 1959-60 in un seminario che intitola L’etica della psicoanalisi.[1] Tra tantissimi personaggi reali e immaginari nella storia dell’occidente, sceglie questa ragazzina per parlare dell’etica? Lacan notes that Antigone’s decision to defy Creon consciously seeks death. She makes no effort to defend Polynices’ actions (Lacan 1986: 290, 323-25). Her choice takes her beyond the realm of rational discourse and the collective norms of human satisfaction it implies (Lacan What Antigone represents for Lacan is the dramatic experience of a limit and what it means for the subject to go beyond the boundaries of this symbolic limit.
Lacan’s many aims in the essay is to make sense of this apparently implausible passage. According to Lacan, Antigone’s elevation of her brother, her willingness—and will—to die for revering him, stems from her insistence on his very being, stripped of any of the contingencies of his individual history. This being,
For Lacan, it is the beauty of in the influential Antigone's Claim (2000) and the response to it by Slavoj Žižek – who regards Butler's reading of Lacan as a mis- interpretation – in Interrogating Antigone is a tragedy, and tragedy is in the forefront of our experiences as analysts - something that is confirmed by the references Freud found in. Oedipus Rex Feb 21, 2010 To explore this, I focus on Lacan's reading of the Antigone tragedy delivered in the course of his seminar on the ethics of psychoanalysis (1992) In Seminar VII, The Ethics of. Psychoanalysis, Lacan remarks on the centrality of such a demand: “What is demanded can be expressed in a simple word, bonheur Antigone, in Her Unbearable Splendor: New Essays on Jacques Lacan's The Ethics of Psychoanalysis (SUNY series, Intersections: Philosophy and Critical Book Review: Charles Freeland (2013). Antigone, In Her Unbearable Spendor: New Essays on Jacques Lacan's The Ethics of Psychoanalysis (Albany: State In his Seminar the Ethics of Psychoanalysis Lacan mms at differentiating psychoanalytic ethics from the morality of goods.
According to Lacan, Antigone's elevation of her brother, her willingness-andwill-todie for revering him, stems from her insistence onbis very being, stripped of any of the contingencies of bis individual histo!)T. This being, unadomed by a past of action, by inherited particularities--notcaught in a …
24 3.2 Antigones dödsdrift - slutdiskussion s. 27 4.0 s.Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning 28 Antigone, Lacan says, “incarnates” or “pushes to the limit the realisation of something that might be called the pure and simple desire of death as such.” (282) It is the shocking, culminating image of the condemned, unrepentant Antigone— “bride” of her desire for that basic concepts of Lacan will be referred to in order to make the action of Antigone, the privileged. hero of psychoanalysis, understandable. Subsequently, the ethical and political possibil ities Guyomard, P. (1992) La jouissance du tragique: Antigone, Lacan, et le désir de l'analyste, Paris.
Psychoanalysis, Lacan offers an extended reading of Sophocles Antigone in which he discusses the. The preeminent locus where Lacan's psychoanalytic elevation of tragedy takes Lacan's reading of Antigone five years later will underscore, also, that it is such
27 août 2020 Lacan, L'Ethique de la psychanalyse - Le Séminaire, livre VII Lecture Lacan nous amène sur des rives bien contraires : Antigone n'est en
By comparing recent versions of Antigone that represent her as homo sacer, the claim that Antigone makes on behalf of the disenfranchised of the world. Antigone: Lacan and the Structure of the Law · 9 Sophocles' Antigon
She was certainly a militant, whose struggle was less with patriarchy or, with herself, as Curtis suggests (178), than with the Law in a Lacanian sense: that prohibits
The Antigone who is familiar from Sophocles, and from later interpretations, is often However, there is a disturbing quality to Antigone's relationship with her Antigone: Lacan and the Structure of the Law · 9 Sophocles
What if psychoanalysis had chosen Antigone rather than Oedipus? as readings of Antigone by G.W.F. Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Luce Irigaray, Jacques Lacan,
Apr 12, 2007 Sophocles' Antigone resists the mythical lie of a decisive difference between in -difference' remains a blind spot in Heidegger's and Lacan's
In Greek mythology, Antigone is the daughter of Oedipus and either his mother Jocasta or The psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan writes about the ethical dimension of Antigone in his Seminar VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis.
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Hegel, Martin Heidegger, Luce Irigaray, Jacques Lacan, and Judith Sjoeholm explains Mary Wollstonecraft's work, as well as readings of Antigone by G.W.F.
noen Strindberg-karakterer og den franske psykoanalytikeren Jacques Lacan på scenen.
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av T Heinonen · 2018 — Oidipus trilogins Antigone på ett väldigt löst sätt. Det vill säga vi läste ett Jaques Lacan: En röst som på något sätt kallar på oss och som får oss att agera i en
." (Siminaire, VII, 321). In Seminar VII, The Ethics of Psychoanalysis – 1959-1960, Jacques Lacan comments on the play by Sophocles, Antigone. This takes place during three sessions: May 25 th 1960 – The splendour of Antigone (The meaning of Catharsis, Hegel’s weakness, The function of the chorus, Goethe’s wish) : June 1 st 1960 – The articulations of the play, & June 8 th 1960 – Antigone between two deaths Ethics of Psychoanalysis - Lacan’s Antigone and the Ethics of Interpretation. My paper examines Lacan’s reading of the Antigone as an allegory of our own textual and ethical obligations as readers and critics.